πŸ“œListing Prompts

Listing prompts for sale on the ALL-e marketplace is a seamless process that allows you to showcase your creativity and earn rewards for your contributions. Whether you're a seasoned prompt engineer or a newcomer to the platform, listing prompts is a simple way to share your work with others and monetize your creations. First listing is free!

How to List a Prompt

Listing a prompt for sale on ALL-e is quick and easy. Follow these steps to list your prompt and make it available for purchase by other users:

  1. Connect Your Wallet: Before you can list a prompt for sale, ensure that you have connected your coin wallet, such as MetaMask, to the ALL-e platform. This allows you to sign transactions and manage your prompt listings securely.

  2. Navigate to the Marketplace: Once your wallet is connected, visit the marketplace at https://market.all-e.co/. Here, you'll find a curated selection of prompts available for purchase by other users.

  3. Initiate Listing: On the marketplace, you'll see a β€œSELL PROMPT” menu button. Click on this button to initiate the listing process.

  4. Set Price and Terms: When listing your prompt, you'll have the opportunity to set a price for the prompt and specify the terms of use for buyers. Consider factors such as the uniqueness of your prompt, its market demand, and the value it provides to potential buyers when determining the price.

  5. Confirm Listing: Review the listing details and confirm the listing by minting the prompt with your connected coin wallet, such as MetaMask. Once the listing is confirmed, your prompt will be available for purchase on the marketplace, and you'll start earning rewards for every use.

Benefits of Listing Prompts

Listing prompts for sale on ALL-e offers several benefits, including:

  • Earn Rewards: Listing prompts allows you to earn rewards for every use, with 70% of the earnings from prompt usage going directly to you as the prompt engineer.

  • Exposure and Recognition: By listing your prompts on the marketplace, you gain exposure to a wide audience of creators and users, increasing the visibility of your work and potentially leading to future collaborations and opportunities.

  • Supporting the Community: Listing prompts contributes to the growth and sustainability of the ALL-e community, providing valuable resources and inspiration for creators while rewarding them for their contributions.

Last updated